
Find Inspiration

Dig into a great amount of inspiring, real-life examples from cities worldwide and their pursuit for a circular economy. Check out interesting actions about the circular economy in cities in the collections on the two links below.


Those collections provide you, an urban change maker, with five complementary strategies and directions and successful circularity projects you can use to start working towards your CircularCityChallenge project.


Those strategies are:


Promote systems that support natural ecosystems to thrive.


Redesign systems to lay the foundation for circular activities.


Eliminate waste and reintroduce resources into the production process.


Do better with less material, water, energy, and waste production.


Extend and intensify the use of products, spaces and infrastructure.

Successful circularity projects are focused on

Knowledge Hub -
Circle Lab (English)

Use this online library for circular economy case studies. Be inspired by a case study today!

Actions Framework - CIRCULARS (English)

The Circular City Actions Framework is action -based and provides you with the five complementary strategies to start your project.

Klimafond -
Klimajob (German)

Was die Welt von morgen braucht, bist du – Entdecke spannende Lehrberufe, die den Umweltschutz und deine Karriere voranbringen.

The Circular City Actions Framework platform was developed in collaboration with ICLEI, Metabolic and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation with support from the MAVA Foundation.


ICLEI Circulars is managed by the Circular Development Team at the World Secretariat (Bonn) in close collaboration with the ICLEI Regional Offices around the world.


ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development.

Example Maastricht University
